In every aspect of our life we have to deal with a multitude of emotions that can bring both positive and negative reactions. These emotional reactions are not just our own either. The reactions of those around us are prompted by our own actions and those from a third party. Like many of you, I …
Clothes Free Blogging Platforms
Hello lovies. I’m happy to say that I am doing better than I was a couple months ago. I didn’t realize it but I think I was going thought a bought of depression, and I slowly drifted into that cyclical world of ups and downs. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the …
Use My Voice
Music is an incredibly powerful form of expression and feelings, and speaks to you in ways art or literature cannot. I was on my way in to work yesterday morning (Yes, it’s as awful as it sounds. I have to get dressed and go in two days a week now), when I heard the beautiful …
International Nude Day
I have never heard of International Nude Day, but then I haven’t really been looking for holidays to get naked on since I pretty much try to spend as much time naked as I can. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really need a holiday to tell me to take my clothes off. …
Why am I Paranoid
I have spoken to some of you privately and 90% of you respect me and my wishes for privacy without question. To me, you are truly honest and respectable people worthy of a friendship. However, you always have that small amount of people, that 10% who will always, without fail, try someway to either be …
Nudism, Naturism, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism: What’s the Difference, and Why Do I Care?
In a previous post about the Discrimination of Men in Nudism, I briefly discussed what happens when you enter the term “nudism” into an internet search engine. Honestly, the results were rather bothersome to say the least, and if you are/were investigating the authentic nudist lifestyle, then you would be sadly misdirected by the common …
What Happened to the Nudist Bloggers?
It’s about 7:00 PM here in the south with a cool breeze blowing outside. I’m sitting in my driveway in a jacket watching all the kids play, and I see an occasionally neighbor with a wine glass waking about. Everyone does their best to social distance, but we are a close community and it’s hard …
My Walk Into a Nudist Life
A Little Background I have always enjoyed being naked, and have went naked for as long as I can remember. My parents used to catch me sleeping naked or taking my clothes off before I ever started school. Maybe around 4-5 year old time frame. Maybe I was in school. That’s a thought for another …
World Naked Gardening Day
Introduction The first Saturday in May is designated as World Naked Gardening Day, and for 2020 it falls on May 2nd. I’m sure most of my readers and fellow nudist have either heard of this or participate in the annual celebration of cleaning up your yard/garden in the buff. For those of you who are …
Does it Scare You?
It’s inevitable that if you’re a female nudist you will garner a lot of attention from almost anyone, and this is especially true if you’re surrounded by males of any age or background. Honestly, this holds true whether you’re naked or not, but much more so if you are naked. Regardless of one’s intentions, you’re …