My first time on a nude beach went a lot different than expected. “There ain’t no way in hell!” That’s what I thought in my brain when Alexis said she wanted to go to a nude beach. But the not yet married, still engaged, eager to please side of my brain said “sure babe, that’s cool.” Little did I know I would see more dicks, clits, and nipples than anyone could hope for on the beach. It seemed like a Dr. Suess special – big ones, tall ones, small ones, gross ones, ghost ones, and more!
Wait, No One Is Perfect
At first, I was a little worried about being nude in-front a bunch of people, but then I remembered the statistical likelihood of me ever seeing them again was 0.0000002%. I felt like I could live with that risk! So alas, I walked onto the beach, slid quietly into the nude section, (as if there wasn’t a blaring sign that said “NUDE BEACH ONLY”), and stripped down. The moment the air hit my taint and balls I knew I had found my calling.
I nervously sat my ass down on the lawn chair and looked around to see if the paparazzi had arrived yet. I knew for sure my dick and ass is going to make the front page of CNN and Fox News. To my delight, I was certainly not surrounded by super models, and everyone else looked just like I did. We all had years of Oreos, wine, sleep deprivation, and under exercising. Also, the stress of kids seems to add years to our otherwise perfect bodies. Everyone exhibited some form of body neutrality! No one cared!

I’m Nude On A Beach, Please Don’t Talk To Me
I laid back, took in my frozen daiquiri, and then enjoyed the sunshine. Alexis made me feel very comfortable and confident by laying there beside me. We began laughing about all the chaos life holds. We joked about our kids, our jobs, crazy ex’s, and how much we enjoyed each other’s unconditional love and laughter. Humor is for sure the cornerstone of what makes our relationship so successful! We can literally laugh at (almost) anything!
Things were going great in this newfound world, that is until the nude guy came and wanted to talk. He walked up to me as I was laying in my lawn chair. Under normal circumstances would have been fine, but think about this for a second. I’m sitting upright in a lawn chair and a dude walks up to talk to me. Where do you think that leaves my eye level??? Exactly. So instead of having a conversation with his frank and beans, I stood up and then couldn’t figure out if it was harder to look him eye to eye knowing we’re both naked and if I should just go back to facing his balls! Clearly, I did not learn nude beach etiquitte in college.
Finally Starting To Relax
With this being my first time on a nude beach, I felt a bit of trauma at first. I needed a few minutes to I recover from the trauma of having a conversation eye-to-ball with a stranger. After that, I started relaxing and enjoying the moment. It was an amazing experience to be naked at the beach. No responsibility, fully naked and vulnerable with my best friend and the love of my life by my side.
Alexis has this incredible way of making me feel more relaxed and comfortable than I ever knew possible. She creates an environment for me that is soul comforting and spirit lifting. The time we experience together in this state of total relaxation and joy was so good for our bonding. We connected emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and had more laughs than we could have imagined. The time was amazing, and it is certainly something that we will not forget.
Nude In A Hot Tub
We had a wonderful day laughing, drinking, and being nude all day. Afterwards, the brilliant idea to visit the hot tub with some strangers came up. Nude, of course! Alexis and I walked over to the hot tub and there was another couple sitting in the water. The woman was speaking another language, which I didn’t realize was Italian until later.
This is the same woman I noticed earlier in the day talking to the security guard. The thing that caught my attention about when she was talking to the security guard was how comfortable she was in her own skin. At one point when I looked over, she was butt-ass naked, in the main traffic way of tourists at the beach line, talking to the guard with her tits out and hands on her hip. Honestly the only thing I could think of at the moment was how confident she must be and how, if that were me, a news helicopter would surely have flown by and gotten all of me on camera for the world to see!
Final Thoughts About My First Time On A Nude Beach
A few final thoughts about my first time experience on a nude beach. Seeing other couples at the nude beach was very comforting. It also reminded me that we, from the United States, are way more shameful about our nakedness than other countries. I’m not sure why that’s the case, but it seems like for centuries, religion has played a big part of setting societal expectations. Not that there is anything wrong with religion, I am religious, but I do have heartburn when organized religions dictates how we should live over scriptural religion.
The United States has created a culture in which nudity and body image is very shameful. We as Americans believe this is not be something to share with others. Seeing so many other couples on the beach though laughing, relaxing, and just enjoying the experience made me feel so safe and free from the normal constraints we have.
I want Alexis to know that she is always safe with me; whether we are clothed, naked, or somewhere in between. I want her to know that her body brings me great pleasure and happiness. Not just from a sexual perspective, but from a safe and emotional intimate perspective. Studies show that skin to skin contact is critical for newborns to create attachment to caregivers. However, I believe skin to skin contact is critical for all people seeking to have meaningful attachment to others.
Also, if you enjoy the content I create and I have helped you in someway, please consider a small donation to help cover the cost of hosting, new equipment, and new trips to create content for you! Much more to come, so be sure to add your email to my newsletter list!!
Sounds like a great experience! XOXO
It was! You all should try it sometime!
I’ve only been to a nude beach once, while in France. I went topless, but not not bottom less. I was in my early twenties at the time and I remember thinking it was bizarre that all these older people wanted to be naked in front of others. Now, 20 years later, I know that at this age, you stop caring what other people think and it just feels good to have the sun and water on your naked skin 🙂
Mike had completely natural reactions as a first-time visitor to a naturist beach. But when we come home after a day together at a naturist place or beach, we don’t remember gender. There are more of any conversations with briefly acquaintances or completely new ones. The greatest joy is letting go of clingy swimming trunks / bikinis. This is a balm for skin and body.
Haha. I think it was a culture shock for sure, but he was a good sport and we had a blast. I’m looking for a nude weekend get-away for us at a resort that is fairly close to us. I have a small list and just need to find the best weekend this summer.