Springtime is a wonderful season to take a trip up to the mountains. Mike and I love to take a weekend to the mountains around March and April. The temperatures are starting to warm up and new growth begins in nature. Unfortunate for us, this is also the prime time for spring allergies to kick …
Welcome To Sensual Nudist, Mike
Mike and I have been talking about how to move forward with my blog, and through his unending support we have decided to work on things together. We are even considering posting couples pics together, which is a huge deal for us to actually take and post pics. Also, we have revived my dormant Instagram …
My Naked Week In The Mountains
Good morning to all my nude friends and aspiring nudies. April had quite the start with me but it’s all been for the good. One of the best parts of it was my naked week in the mountains! It was absolutely amazing and well overdue for me to get out of town for a while. …
Coming Back Into Balance
I know I am not the only who sometimes feels like their life is out of balance. I’m not just talking about a work, life, family, and personal time balance, but more of a total body imbalance. For several months…well, probably at least a year now, I don’t feel like I am fully able to …
Why You Should Adopt A Naked Life
With each passing day and week I am becoming more and more comfortable allowing those in my close circle know that I am typically naked while at home. I will pretty much do anything naked. For a lot of people this is very unnerving and somewhat fairly uncomfortable. This is very understandable for many reasons. …
The Emotions of Nudity
In every aspect of our life we have to deal with a multitude of emotions that can bring both positive and negative reactions. These emotional reactions are not just our own either. The reactions of those around us are prompted by our own actions and those from a third party. Like many of you, I …
Clothes Free Blogging Platforms
Hello lovies. I’m happy to say that I am doing better than I was a couple months ago. I didn’t realize it but I think I was going thought a bought of depression, and I slowly drifted into that cyclical world of ups and downs. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the …
Use My Voice
Music is an incredibly powerful form of expression and feelings, and speaks to you in ways art or literature cannot. I was on my way in to work yesterday morning (Yes, it’s as awful as it sounds. I have to get dressed and go in two days a week now), when I heard the beautiful …
Things Can Only Go Up…Right?
I don’t even know where to begin. It’s been a rather trying few months to say the least. There have been a number of personal struggles, balancing a professional life, dealing with website and email issues, and even deaths in the family close together. I’m generally a glass is half-full kinda gal, but there hasn’t …
Well, It’s About Time
Good morning to you on this beautiful Mothers Day. I want to take a moment to wish all the wonderful mothers out there a happy and beautiful Mothers Day. I hope each of you get the pampering you deserve. I don’t think today will be that great of a day for me, sadly. I have …